What is a SWMS?
SWMS is a legal document that sets out how workers shall carry out a high risk construction work activity, identifies hazards arising from the activity, and control measures for the control of risks.
Take the worry out of how to write a safe work method statement with our ready to use SWMS templates.
Let the OHS professionals do that
Safety Toolbox Talks
High risk construction work SWMS make an excellent toolbox talk topic for a toolbox meeting to discuss OHS issues.
Tool box talks improve safety culture
Controlling hazards and risks in the workplace
Effective controls to mitigate workplace hazards are contained in each safe work method statement.
Control measures for hazards in a safe work method statement SWMS include:
Design or re-organise to eliminate hazards
Substitute hazards with something safer
Isolate hazards from people
Engineering controls
Administrative controls
Use of PPE
Safety Packages
SWMS packages are the perfect subby pack as they include a WHS system and the safe work method statements you need as a PCBU.
OHS Packages include:​
WHS Policies and procedures
OHS Reporting system
Safe work method statements
Purpose of SWMS
Purpose of safe work method statement or SWMS is to set out in a logical sequence the high risk activities of a work task with:
Hazards identified
Risk assessed
Risk controls to ensure worker safety when carrying out high risk construction work
Implement and monitor work health and safety practices for HRCW
SWMS Compliance
Safe work method statements authored by Workplace Health and Safety for high risk construction work activities assist with compliance with WHS laws by focusing on:
WHS legislative requirements
The elements of a SWMS (safe work method statement)
Control measures per the hierarchy of controls to manage risk