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Fire fighting safe work method statements are a great way to identify hazards, manage the risks, and implement control measures to ensure the safety of workers that are dealing with the installation and maintenance of fire safety equipment.


  • SWMS for fire are designed to provide clear, comprehensive safety procedures and instructions based on workers health and safety

  • Fire safe work method statements help you stay compliant with WHS legislation requirements and improve your company's credibility in the eyes of your customers

Fire services SWMS identify hazards, risks and control measures for fire system services safe work practices and procedures

Fire Services SWMS

  • Fire SWMS focus on hazards, risks, and control measures for fire services installations and equipment by fire services contractors


Fire prevention SWMS are an essential tool because they can help identify risks before they occur, saving lives in the process.


  • A fire safety SWMS should be tailored to the particular installation and maintenance of fire safety equipment and identify potential hazards in the workplace, control risks by way of risk control measures per the hierarchy of hazard controls

Fire Safe Work Method Statements

Unlike other SWMS providers, Workplace Health and Safety offer SWMS for fire fighting, which include the following safe work method statements SWMS:


SWMS for Fire Fighting

We understand that complying with health and safety legislation can be frustrating, confusing, and time-consuming. But it doesn't have to be anymore.


  • With SWMS for fire fighting, you'll receive a pre-written safe work method statement for fire services contractors that will make your work easier and save you time

SWMS for Fire

Fire system SWMS are specially created for the fire services technician.


  • They're tailored to the needs of fire services contractors and include content on identifying the hazards, assessing risks, following safe work practices, and staying compliant with health and safety regulations

  • You can implement our fire safety SWMS on any construction project

Fire Equipment Servicing SWMS

We are committed to achieving a safer work environment for our clients through health and safety in the workplace.


  • Our WHS experts have the experience and knowledge to write fire fighting safe work method statements covering all contingencies

What Needs to be in a SWMS

SWMS Statements are a critical instrument for implementing workplace safety requirements and for achieving a high level of health and safety protection.


  • Our SWMS safe work method statement includes hazard identification, risk based preventive controls to manage hazards, and the person responsible for each risk control


With our extensive knowledge of WHS requirements, we go above and beyond to provide you with the best WHS solutions when it comes to meeting your workplace health and safety obligations.

Fire Fighting Safe Work Method Statement

SWMS for fire fighting focuses on identifying hazards, assessing risks and evaluating how to control risk, and includes:


  • Risk assessment matrix to determine the risk level

  • Hierarchy of risk controls for controlling hazards and risks in the workplace

  • SWMS steps to perform work task

  • PPE requirements per risk assessment for PPE

  • SWMS emergency procedures

SWMS Compliance

Workplace Health and Safety make it easy to comply with health and safety regulations.


  • We embed your logo, trading and business details (ABN) in the fire SWMS

  • We email you the fully-ready-to-use fire SWMS pdf, so you can start using it immediately


Fire equipment servicing SWMS are a great safety toolbox topic for a fire safety toolbox talk.

How to Fill Out SWMS

The fire SWMS template has been designed to comply with health and safety legislation to cover many aspects of managing health and safety for installing and maintaining fire safety equipment.


All you have to do to complete a safe work method statement is:


  • Complete principal contractor or PCBU details

  • Specify workplace address to which SWMS relates

  • Nominate a person to monitor, review and amend the SWMS

  • Complete safe work method statement forms

SWMS Report

A PCBU must keep SWMS records for fire safe work method statements.


  • Risk assessment form to record identified hazards, potential risks, and the types of control measures to be implemented

  • Change control management form to communicate controls for identified hazards

  • SWMS sign-off sheet is a sign-off process that facilitates the communication of risk controls to workers

Fire Safety SWMS

A fire system SWMS is a document that safely and legally ensures that any high risk construction work is undertaken without compromising the safety of workers.


  • Fire prevention SWMS identifies any potential risks in your current inspection testing and maintenance of fire protection equipment based on current work health and safety legislation giving you peace of mind

  • It also communicates essential workplace health and safety information about the project to those workers and their supervisors

Duties of PCBU

PCBU responsibilities imposed by health and safety legislation require a person conducting a business or undertaking, e.g. fire services contractors carrying out high-risk construction work, to prepare safe work method statements that identify hazards and control risks.


  • Work health and safety legislation imposes a duty on PCBU to take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of workers in the workplace

  • Legislation for workplace health and safety applies to all employers, contractors, managers, self-employed persons and employees

What are SWMS

A SWMS is an administrative control that ensures the development and implementation of workplace safety measures before any high-risk work activities begin.


  • A work method statement is a document that outlines the work task process. It is used to break the task into manageable sections, identify hazards, and assess and control safety risks to workers


A fire safety SWMS provides step-by-step instructions to help protect fire services technicians from potential injuries.


  • Fire system SWMS includes detailed guidance for completing a work task with particular occupational risk factors affecting health and safety

Fire System SWMS

At WHS, we not only possess knowledge and expertise in construction site safety, but we also work alongside you to develop safety documentation that covers all your needs and is tailored to suit your company.


  • Do you need a work method statement for fire protection system or a specific fire services installation?

What is Work Health and Safety

Workplace health and safety (WHS) involves the management of risks to the health and safety of everyone in your workplace, including employees, customers, visitors, and suppliers.


A business should be prioritising workplace health and safety for many reasons, not just because WHS laws require it.


  • It can help keep your employees safe, enable them to work without risk of injury, provide them with peace of mind when they're at work and even improve productivity

Fire Services Maintenance Method Statement

SWMS are often combined with risk assessments to analyse the risks of workplace hazards.


  • SWMS provide detailed workplace safety guidelines for known hazards and risks in the maintenance of fire protection equipment


Health and safety in the workplace is an essential aspect for any fire services contractors.


  • A fire services contractor needs to know how to protect themselves from injury on the job - it's not just enough to know fire prevention skills

  • Ensure your employees are using safe work method statements, including risk control measures per the hierarchy of hazard controls to manage risk with our fire SWMS template

High Risk Construction Work SWMS

A safe work method statement for high risk construction work is a document that effectively sets out the construction work to be carried out at the workplace, the potential risks arising from these high risk activities and how to control the risk.


  • A PCBU must prepare a SWMS for high risk construction work activities or ensure a SWMS has been prepared

  • Preparing a SWMS before commencing HRCW is necessary to ensure that the risks associated with the work are fully identified, assessed and controlled

Fire Services Safe Work Method Statement

SWMS for fire safety in a workplace are designed to comply with health and safety legislation.


  • Fire SWMS cover many aspects of managing health and safety for the different types of fire services jobs, including hazard identification, risk reduction, and safe work procedures for reducing risks from fire services equipment

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